“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
U.S. Constitution, Amendment 1
You have no rights to comment because Hostile wit = private website
Neither you nor a comment have a right to free speech on my website because sadly I am not a government. If I were a government, one that adopted the 1st Amendment, all my people would have the right to speak on my governmental website. That said, my people still wouldn’t have the right to respect or to an audience. Their free speech wouldn’t be shielded from dissent or ridicule, because where’s the fun in that? There is no law against being an asshole.
In non-public spaces, like my private website, if you speak and others drown you out or I delete or edit your comment, I am not trampling on your rights. I can be as much of a free range asshole on my own site as I please.
Comment policy regarding cursing
I’m not a big fan of censorship. I stopped censoring explicit song lyrics for my kids ended when they were toddlers because that was one of the only outlets I had left. Also, I heart cursing, and I didn’t appreciate a four year old admonishing me for saying “fucker”. I know I’m a mother, but I need some of my vices. I encourage comments with expertly crafted cursing so long as you don’t direct F-bombs at an individual to denigrate them. I’m intolerant of intolerance and I hate hatefulness. Humor is a unifying force.
Some folks think all speech must be allowed without consequences. That’s not how They bemoan “political correctness” because they want to say any hateful thing they want and still be able to eat Chick-fil-a without crossing an LGBTQIA protest line.
hostile legal advice not dispensed here
I am a licensed attorney in two states, but I don’t dispense legal advice on HostileWit, social media or comment threads. I strive to be as accurate as possible when I say anything but don’t take my general word without totally checking it out. Practicing law is an art, not a science. Also, a Juris Doctorate was one degree I could get without taking any math. Having a law degree informs my outlook and opinions, but that’s different from dispensing legal advice. If you need legal counsel, get a recommendation from a trusted source. Don’t go looking for love in all the wrong places.