ACCOMPLICE: Activism & Resistance
A White Accomplice can assert privilege to benefit others. I’m a white person in #BlackLivesMatter, a largely black and brown movement. In the beginning, I cut my teeth in Ferguson.
A white accomplice can assert more than just race privilege. I benefit from many privileges. For instance, I am able-bodied. Thus, I have ability privilege. As an attorney, I have class and educational privilege. I identify as female and heterosexual. As such, I have gender and sexuality privilege. Using my privileges as a shield and a sword are choices. Likewise, privilege allows me to aid and abet. To sum up, I’m an Accomplice.
They are above the law! and other lies about protesters
Lies about protesters You know what the presence of protesters from out of town represents? I’ll give you a hint. It doesn’t have anything to do with Fox’s make-believe “outside agitator” messaging or lend credence whatsoever that protesters are paid like mercenaries. It indicates that people all across the United States still look to Ferguson as […]
MoreBlack Lives are more important than your convenience
Tired of the Black Lives Movement? I haven’t re-laced my Chuck Taylor’s after St. Louis County police made me remove them so I didn’t “off” myself in jail. Or whatever. That’s one of the downsides to standing in solidarity on an eight lane highway in rush hour traffic to raise awareness that Black Lives Matter. […]
MoreWe do this for Mike Brown
Why fight? We do this for Mike Brown. I’m not the same person I was a year ago, since Mike Brown was killed in cold blood. I’ve been introduced to my own white privilege and rightly had my ass handed to me when I exerted it. I know what white fragility is for the first […]