Next Up: Breast Lumpectomy
Nothing new on the cancer front other than I have a surgery date. November 28th. I opted to wait until after the Thanksgiving holiday so I could enjoy friends. I’m not really that nervous about the surgery. I tend to get anxious when there is a performance component attached. For instance, I was not daunted about giving birth to a singleton or twins, as I figured that feat was mostly out of my control. I was, however, terrified about being able to breastfeed one, and later, two. I didn’t fear the pain or discomfort. I was afraid my babies wouldn’t get it and it’d be my failure. Funny how boobs keep bursting into my blog posts even when I’m not really talking about them. The boobs must have a total inferiority complex. I was so twitterpated to return to work after the birth of my first daughter, Rowan, that I stockpiled as much milk as I could humanly produce. I stopped counting the bags in the freezer when I reached 500 ounces. You read that correctly.
And in a totally boobless response- tell him Thank you.