Then there was a colleague several years ago who didn’t know I was present on the receiving end of a phone call put on speakerphone who advised that, “Don’t worry about including Jennifer. She won’t add anything to this discussion.” Ouch. That was humiliating.
Just to round out the slights, a close relative was complaining about how many doctor’s she’s seen this year. She kept going on-and-on to the point where I couldn’t stop myself from saying, “Yeah. You aren’t the only one who’s been to a lot of doctors this year. Recall I had breast cancer? I was at the hospital five days a week for six weeks a few months ago.” The relative responded, “Well, you could have had your boob cut off.” [and avoided all that time for radiation.] Wowzer!
It is just easier to believe the bad things people say about you than the good things and that is completely messed up.
I vow to try to remember the compliments. In fact, we should all keep a compliment log, as the insult log already seems firmly entrenched in our memory banks enough. I will start with the compliments I’ve gotten lately:
Devlin: Mom, you have pretty sneakers.
Friend: I love your shoes!
Devlin: You are a good cooker.
all these years and the one thing that has stuck with my very talented daughter was the teacher who told her she would never go to college because she was stupid. Why do cruel words have such sharp edges, but kind ones are gentle?