Not Reading Permission Slips: Yes To Everything

I said, YES to Everything! Not Reading Permission Slips

Transcribed voicemail message I received this morning:

“Mrs. McCoy this is Rowan’s band director and I’m looking at the permission slip you signed this morning for Rowan to go to Six Flags with the band, and, uh, I need some clarification. You have all three boxes here checked off.
The first box says that you’ve attached $43 for the ticket so Rowan can go to the park after the band performs. Except there’s no money attached.
The second box you checked says that Rowan already has a season pass to Six Flags so she doesn’t need a ticket. That’s checked off.
And then the third box you checked says she’s not going to be staying at the park so she doesn’t need a ticket.
So, the thing is we have to figure out whether we need to get her a ticket or not. So, one thing says we’re gonna need a ticket. And the next thing says we don’t need a ticket. And the third thing says she’s already got a pass. So, so two out of the things say we don’t need you to get a ticket but the third thing sounds like you do need a ticket.
So, if you could give me a call back, I’d really appreciate it just because we have to get these tickets ordered, like yesterday. Can you give me a call in the band office? If you could give us a call today, that’d be really great.”
Note to self: Stop signing permission slips you haven’t read and stop counting on your tweener to fill it out correctly. She will out you to her teachers that you are a total buffoon.
I give myself permission to be an idiot.
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  1. Jennifer McCoy

    The forms are outrageous! I hate paper already and I refuse to clean out their backpacks. I don’t recall being informed that there would be so much paperwork involved with raising these people!

  2. Ms. Bumbadeedah

    Now that both of my kids are in college, I have MOSTLY left the forms behind. I now can say “You’d better get that done or just work at McDonalds”.
    I remember the packets of forms that came every year the first few days of school. Thirteen years of them,times two kids.
    I would pour a glass of wine and begin speed writing. I’d fill out the generic stuff, photocopy, fill in the individual kid’s name, then attach checks for various materials.
    You just power through and try not to finish the bottle of wine 🙂
    My favorite form is the “media release”, as if they are getting that much paparazzi in schools.

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