How To Make a New Mother Paranoid

Is It Ever a Good Decade to Have a Baby? Any Good Ideas to Make a New Mother Paranoid? I dedicate this post to new mothers everywhere. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, but especially to first time moms. My mother smoked a half pack of cigarettes each day she was pregnant with me. As […]


Problem Solved: Scream At Picky Eaters

Picky Eaters Are Extremely Annoying I understand when my child turns up her nose at completely foreign food (foreign to her, that is.) I’d probably balk at someone serving me a fruit bat or some such. Even if it was covered in chocolate. I have standards, people. I even empathize with the little fussy punks. I […]


Addiction Is a Disease, Not a Moral Failing

Do You Believe Addiction Is a Disease? I suspect nearly every person who is reading these words has been touched by addiction and pondered whether addiction is a disease or not. Some believe it is. Others think it’s a matter of self-discipline. Philip Seymour Hoffman’s abrupt death rocked the foundation of the addiction community by […]


Myth: Addiction is a Choice

Part Two: Do You Believe Addiction is a Choice? (Read Part One here.) When you are in the throes of dealing with the chaos an Addict creates, it is hard to see the disease clearly through a lens clouded by your completely justified anger and disappointment. Addiction is unlike any other disease. You would never […]


Which Superhero Are You: Empower or Enable?

Recognizing Professor Empower and General Enable Do you use your superpowers for good or evil? Do you empower or enable the people around you? Here’s a simple motto: Empowering people = good. Enabling = bad, mkay? The superhero I just made up, Professor Empower, knows that healthy relationships are those that empower, not enable. The […]


Substance Abuse vs Substance Addiction

It is a common misperception that substance abuse is the same as substance addiction. In fact, each of these conditions affects different parts of the brain. It doesn’t help that  abuse looks similar to addiction and can ultimately lead to addiction. Substance Abuse vs Substance Addiction: Defining Abuse The essential feature of abuse is a […]
