Most Doctors Do Not Address Addiction

This is a continuation on a series of blog posts about Addiction. You can read the other posts by clicking Addiction is a Disease and Myth: Addiction is a Choice. Most Doctors Do Not Address Addiction Half-way through non-sobriety, I scheduled a routine doctor’s appointment for my Addict which I attended. I wanted to get insight from […]


I Want a Doctor’s Note to Get Out of Obligations

Do You Need a Doctor’s Note? I took my daughter to the Pediatric Dermatologist yesterday. I’ve been in this particular children’s hospital setting dozens of times with my son, but never with my daughter. It’s weird taking the medically-uninitiated child, the “healthy” one, to the doctor. You take for granted what each child’s experience is […]


I Don’t Think Like a Search Engine

I Discovered Something Recently About Blogging My mind does not think like a Search Engine. All this time I’ve been trying to drive traffic to my blog, I’ve been doing so by trying to write “interesting content” which is blogger speak for “stuff people actually want to read”. Interesting content is what keeps readers coming […]
