Friend: “I just met someone who plays in a Roller Derby League.”
Me: “That’s awesome. Does she have a handle? Like, what is her roller derby name? They always have great names like Science Friction or Hydrogen Bombshell.”
Friend: “I didn’t think to ask!”
Stranger who overheard Friend and I talking: “My clown handle is Molly McLaffsalot.”
Me: “Really? My porn star handle is Roxanne Avalon. How do you come up with a clown handle?”
Stranger: “You just decide what to call yourself?”
Me: “It’s not like your middle name and then your first pet’s name or anything?”
Stranger: “No. I mean, I’m an actual clown.”
Me: “Oh. An actual clown? Really?”
Stranger: “Yes.”
Awkward silence.
Me: “I’m not actually in porn. I’m not in ‘the industry’, the porn industry”.
Stranger: “I didn’t want to judge.”
Me: “Because if I was in the porn industry, I probably wouldn’t lead first conversations with people with me being in the porn industry. Might be off-putting.”
Another silence.
Me: “But how cool is it you thought I could have been in the porn industry?”
Friend: “So cool!”
You have the best encounters!
Good way to end my day. Perhaps you missed your calling.