RELEVANCE: Culture & Relationships
REVELANCE in life is wondering if you matter at all. Are you living an authentic life? Do you make the world a better place, or at least provide comic relief? What’s your connection with others? Do you evolve?
Goodbye Landcruiser
After eleven years, I sold my cassette deck-bragging 1998 Toyota Landcruiser. It is bittersweet. And now I will say Goodbye Landcruiser. We brought my first daughter, Rowan, home from St. John’s hospital in Tulsa, OK in that car. It made perfect sense at the time since we were increasing our family from two to three that […]
MoreGetting In Shape Rant
Why is getting into shape not limited to New Year’s goal setting anymore when we can cover ourselves up with a slanket or a snuggie for three more months? Now we have to get in shape for freakin’ everything. Reunions in the Fall. All those judgmental eyes. Only my eyes are the most judgmental of all. […]
MoreNewsflash: Insurance Companies Suck
Insurance Companies Suck Words cannot adequately express how deeply I hate insurance companies, and mine in particular. I feel stupid writing this post because it seems like I’m trying to make a big point about how wrong it is to bludgeon puppies and we should really stop people who do that. In other words, I […]
MoreFather, Keep Up the Good Work
No doubt times are tough, but who are the fatherless employees the card industry is paying to create this year’s crop of soul-less father’s day cards? It pained me to pay the $2.99 for a card that imparted exactly nothing, but I wanted to avoid the “you didn’t even send your father a card on […]
MoreOrgasm Post-mortem a/k/a My New Apple Computer
My New Apple Computer I have been plagued with First World Problems lately. I have grungy funk under my fingernails from scouring the crap out of my expensive All-Clad stainless fry pan with scotchbrite pads after being inspired by the servants on Downton Abbey, which I can’t decide if I like but have now seen all of season […]
MorePractical Graduation Presents
Practical Graduation Presents Your Graduate Will Really Appreciate I dedicate this Post to two of my Special Grads this year: Hilary & Brooks. It’s that season again: GRADUATION! This time always fills me with nostalgia for my own graduations, of which I had three, not seven like these punks that “graduate” from pre-K or “graduate” […]
MoreThis Has to be a Famous Bloke
Who is this Famous Bloke? My college friend, Ann, has never met a stranger. Never. Walking around with her on vacation is always an interesting excursion. She would unabashedly talk to anyone with a mouth. Shop owners, waiters, business acquaintances, the hotel staff, toddlers, puppies, the President of Novartis Pharmaceutical, whoever. Sometimes it can be […]